c:/arduino/arduino-1.6.5/portable/packages/esp8266/tools/xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc/1.20.0-26-gb404fb9/bin/../lib/gcc/xtensa-lx106-elf/4.8.2/../../../../xtensa-lx106-elf/lib\libm.a(lib_a-e_pow.o):(.literal+0x100): undefined reference to `__ieee754_sqrt'
I would like to find a libm.a that fixes the issue since only addition subtraction multiplication and division and modulo are available all other math functions are not working like powers etc.
I searched github but the libm.a I found has the issue so it may be a dependency between the 8266 IDE and 1.6.5
and 1.20.0-26-gb404fb9