Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By bkenobi
#38613 Is there a location hosting any tutorials on how to get started with the ESP8266 boards? I just got my first NodeMCU and a Wemos D1 in the mail and found that they don't actually take Arduino UNO code necessarily. I'd like to get started with something simple (e.g., LED Blinky, WiFi Hello World, MQTT hello world, etc). Does such a set of examples exist?
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By bkenobi
#38713 After restarting the computer, it seems that a series of ESP8266 examples showed up in the IDE. I attempted to compile these with NodeMCU 1.0 selected and it appeared to work. However, uploading did not succeed. The lights flashed as I would expect, but none of the examples would upload.

I did notice quite a difference in code between the LED Blinky examples for standard Arduino and ESP8266. I expected 99% of the code to be identical so this much difference is a surprise and disappointing.
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By Mmiscool
#38714 How are you uploading your sketches. Are you using the arduino ide? Have you installed the board manger package for the esp8266?

If you search YouTube for esp8266 arduino ide set up you will be sure to find a good guide in the first 3 videos.
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By bkenobi
#38732 I watched a few videos and they appeared to suggest the same setup I already had. I have a Wemos D1 also, so I switched to that one and flashed the blinky code. This worked fine. So, I switched back to the NodeMCU v3 and flashed with the exact same setup (which uses the same USB controller) and it worked. Perhaps the issue is that the NodeMCU uses the CP2102 while both D1 and v3 use CH340 (or perhaps that's reversed).