I've spent over a couple of hours on this now and can't find the reason...
I can use the esptool.py to read the flash to a bin but not write back to it.
All I get is:
Exception: Failed to write to target Flash
GPIO2 is high, GPIO0 is low, external power from a 3.3V 1A rail, USB to UART via buspirate set to 115200 baud.
Using the "cloud update" binary from electrodragon post, also tried some of the latest updates.
Doesn't even move past 0x00000 (0%) and fails straight away.
Any suggestions would be very appreciated! :)
Interestingly enough, the XTCOM UTIL workes in my windows emulator. But still, prints "Failed to leave Flash" at 99% and at times doesn't even go past 0%.