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By Stévanovich
#40702 Hello,
I'm a new noob esp8266 esp-07 user .
i don't use LUA
I woul'd like to know if there is any kind of solution to store value (integer or string) ?
I woul'd like to get it back after reboot (reset).

thanks for link or exemple (simple example :mrgreen: )

Best regards
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By Andrew Grande
#40881 Basically 3 ways to store it within esp8266 itself:
* EEPROM - can be a bit low-level, DIY-style
* RTC memory - slightly higher level, but dev UX is similar to EEPROM
* Save into a file on SPIFFS - internal file system emulation

All of the above have been nicely covered both in these forums (search!) and in standard arduino examples on esp8266 github.

Good luck!