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By bkrajendra
#4109 MMC/SDC File system Interface for ESP8266

Any one working MMC/SDC File system Interface for ESP8266?

I want to start a project for porting elm-chan's FatFS project to ESP.

Following are the resources for existing FATFS lib
Project page: http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/00index_e.html
Porting Note: http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/en/appnote.html
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By alonewolfx2
#4110 It could be very good but there is no pins for Mac or sdc on the default esp8266 modules
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By uhrheber
#4123 That's no barrier.
There are modules that have all pins broken out, and it's not that complicated to solder wires to the chip's pins, I've already done it.
Also, if somebody got this running, we'll see modules with µSD sockets sooner or later.