Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By sumotoy
#42024 This library it's based on my TFT_ILI9163C that works with ESP, same speed, same features. It compiles but never really tested (but should work):

A display suitable (but any similar should work):
(just as example, I'm not affiliated to any vendor).
Please feedback me if you have time to test, I'm gonna update all my github TFT/OLED drivers in the same way so it's possible to change display without touch the code.
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By sumotoy
#42099 Since ST7735 cannot work over 65Mhz I had to modify a parameter in library settings to fix. Now tested and works with ESP8266 as it should, proof of working on github.
Thanks for feedbacks!
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By woodat
#42405 (Haven't downloaded to look yet)

Does this offer any advantages over the modified Adafruit library for the ST7735 and the ESP? Speed/functionality/etc?

https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/blob ... th-the-ide
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By sumotoy
#42424 Quite different, this one it's almost a porting of ILI9163C, same commands, more than adafruit, it uses only native SPI and it's SPI transaction compatible (this mean play nice with other SPI devices connected in the same).
It's probably faster since I'm using SPI speed near the maximum supported by ST7735 and thanks SPI transaction I'm able to maintain that speed even if other SPI devices connected using different speed (of course all must use SPI transactions).