Skedaddles wrote:We're having a similar problem on our design. We're getting 140uA in deep sleep on a WROOM-02 module, which is also listed as 10uA in deep sleep. We even see this current when we turn off the enable pin; in that state it is only supposed to be using 5uA. We're concerned that the default pin state in the power-down mode might have them sinking small currents from the our LEDs or some other component on our board (normally our LED pins are active-low outputs and the LEDs are pulled high to 3.3v). Unfortunately, I can't find any solid information about how these pins behave when in deep sleep or chip disabled states.
Did you ever figure out where your current was going?
I'm working on the Wi-T kit. I found out that most of the current was sinking on the regulator (almost 3.5mA). I took off the built-in LED and light sensor; then I installed a pin on the capacitor and powered the chip directly by 3.3V. The current went below 100mA.
While in deep sleep mode, the built-in LED was still slightly ON. So there might be some sinking current as you said. I think this can be dealed with by using pull-up resistors.