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By CheapB
cyborgmax wrote:Thanks for replying, I'm using an external power and I can clearly see the AT+RST Command run in the debugging screen following by the response of the module resetting after the AP is set, and as seen in the openAccessPoint function in the library after setting the AP the function restarts the module.

This is exactly the behavior mine had with with a PS with too low current. Not saying this is your problem, but i would make sure you are feeding 800ma as you are debugging/developing. You can always scale back when everything works :-)
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By cyborgmax
#1853 I'm using another power supply (MB102) and I had the same issue, anyways I coded the set AP part without the library and then used the TCP Server library function, however I'm having an issue where when I send a word from the client I received through the getMessage() function like the TCP Server example, but then I can't compare that message (word) to anything for example:
if(dataState == WIFI_NEW_MESSAGE) {
// Got a message from TCP Client Side
// String mssg = wifi.getMessage();
dbgSerial.println("ID : " + String(wifi.getId()));
if (wifi.getMessage().equals("test")) {
dbgSerial.println("Successfully Received Test);
else {
dbgSerial.println(" Not Receiving Test);

This always prints Not Receiving Test

Anyone has any idea why this happens??