Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By sumotoy
#45785 I've released 1.0r6 that handle correctly the 2016 RED PCB yellow pin display it's spreading around now.
Now display files are in a separate folder and library can handle any type of offset, also every display parameter it's separate so it's easy create display files for any upcoming 'strain' appear in the market, just duplicate one of the display file and apply changes.
I have changed a lot of things in this 1.0r6, it's more steady, use less space and I get rid of preprocessor placeholder that create false alarm on some online compilers, for that reason the font file format it's slight changed but I have included new template for create or convert new fonts.
I have checked with latest version of ESP8266 arduino and both RED pcb display and everithing works.
If you find other ILI9163C display not included in library and create the display file please share it!