Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By picstart
#46005 The scrolling feature of the lcd controllers is left out of the library. Not much of an issue since it can be added into each *.ino nevertheless scrolling is as much a feature of the controller as any other and can often be the most useful feature
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By sumotoy
#46011 Scrolling it's included (see .h file for commands and text).
However ILI perform scrolling in a stupid way, only vertical and doesn't care about rotation settings, as result scrolling it's right for rot 0, for other rotations will perform left, right and bottom.
This is an hardware limitation of ILI chip, it can be fixed only for rotation 0,2 but for rotation 1,3 will result always in horizontal scroll
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By sumotoy
#48538 I've recently updated to 1.0p7, really lot of changes.
Now can handle multiple instances (even with different display's) Icon and Images support, faster code, etc.
Proof of concept:
https://github.com/sumotoy/TFT_ILI9163C ... of-concept


I will use the same skeleton for many other display library I have on my github that include several OLED's