My problem is as follow:
I have ESP module (with official v0.20 firmware), configured as server. Everything works perfect, except one thing.
If 2 devices connect simultaneously (with time difference let's say 100ms), then communication breaks, because when I send data for first request, chip sends me data also from second request what I don't want.
So, is there any option in this firmware, that when first request is enabled, then second request wait till I make AT+CIPCLOSE=connection_id?
Arduino Ethernet works like this. Till first request is not done, it never sends new request, but wait for first request to end, then continue with second request.
Where I got this problem: When I connect from my PC to server, Chrome automatically calls normal request and "favicon.ico" image request in 1ms time difference and this totally fail when because I can't make proper response for both.
If I connect from my Android phone with app, then works really perfect, because I use just 1 request a time.
I was also trying to stop ECHO (ATE0), so ESP will not send me any data from new requests (I thought at least it will be like that) but nothing better at all.
If there is no this option, then we should somehow say this "bug" to the espress team, so they can make an official better revision.
I hope you can help me. Thanks to all.