Questions with regards to ESP8266 Basic and hardware interfacing and control via Basic commands

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By martinayotte
forlotto wrote:We have a lack of information on GPIO expansion would be nice to see.

The MCP23017 I2C GPIO Expander is really easy to use, it has 16 GPIOs that can be configured as input or output. It has I2C address lines so 8 devices can be attached on the same bus, providing a total of 128 GPIOs.
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By forlotto
#50939 does each output input support pwm individually out of curiosity or analog write basically? What voltages does it run at errr I am sure I can just look at the data sheet but I am more interested in the discussed expansion that the user is using as I own one currently.

The type of information I am also interested in is getting it running I really need to play with a bit more in depth stuff like getting libraries going and such modifying basic code to fit it is currently out of my knowledge bubble so to speak but I am expanding it a little at a time.

Thanks for that though!
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By martinayotte
#50981 MCP23017 doesn't have any PWM, neither PCF8574, since they are GPIO only.

If you need hardware PWM, then, there is the PCA9685, but it is output only, there is no inputs.
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By trackerj
#50989 As martinayotte said, you need a dedicated PWM IC, MCP23017 or PCF8574/5 are not suitable for PWM.

PCA9685 16 bit Port PWM Driver is a nice choice. You have a brief description and driver example in the link.