Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By MarekB
#5116 Thanks Pete, that helped a lot. I am finally able to build in VS. I am executing make as the build command so my current end result are 0x00000.bin and 0x40000.bin files in the firmware folder. I will probably add uploading of the firmware with esptool-py as an External Tool and add it on the VS toolbar. Sometimes I just want to compile without uploading.
Couple of other notes:
- I have the VS2013 Makefile Project under Installed\Templates\Other Languages\Visual C++\General
- In the Makefile Project Wizard I also set the "Include search path" to "c:\Espressif\esp_iot_sdk_v0.9.3\include" so VS can do its intellisense thing which is handy

Thanks again.
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By peteben
#5123 Glad I could help. You're right about setting the includes path. Doesn't do anything for the compile, but Intellisense will use it.

New Files: I updated the flasher and the terminal app above to be more robust. The flasher was not closing the pipe and the com port cleanly in every case, and the app is more robust in reading the pipe. If the flasher should crash, the app will eventually reopen the port on its own.
