- Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:23 pm
Picture if you would, a man sitting in a room with no window, the walls, ceiling and floor are white. Outside the room a nurse and doctor are watching the man staring at the wall "Doctor, why doesn't his eyes blink" the nurse ask, the doctor replied "They found him in his computer room, staring at three 40" monitors. The monitors had over 2,500 open Google search windows and all of them were related to a device called ESP8266. We believe this is one of many related cases occurring now around the world all caused by a company called Espressif and their inability to produce a document with actual technical information. The company claims they are restrained by IP property laws and are being forced to be vague if not misleading at times which leaves developers second guessing what is real and or not real. While one developer speculates about a process a dozen others have their method and they all post to the Internet for Google to weed through leaving others searching for answers constantly trying to grasp how something could possibly work a dozen different ways. No, this is an addictive behavior that will be known as Espressoholic Syndrome and we better inform Homeland Security, if this keeps up there will be no nerds left to blame when our phones screw up."