Current Lua downloadable firmware will be posted here

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By KevinA
marcelstoer wrote:
KevinA wrote:I'm game: where is the 'dev' branch?

We mean the NodeMCU dev branch.

LOL: there is 100 Github (now that it works) repositories, the NodeMCU that I used to download the flash tool has one branch, nothing listed as changed in over a year.
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By KevinA
#56931 finally got working:
C:\ESP\esptool-master> --port COM5 erase_flash v1.2-dev
Running Cesanta flasher stub...
Erasing flash (this may take a while)...
Erase took 0.0 seconds

It didn't take long because it can't tell how much memory is on the device and without knowing how much memory it must have aborted. Someone mentioned that esptool could calculate the size of memory, wrong.
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By KevinA
addicted wrote:read the doc.
know what you are doing. why you are doing.
then you can solve problems.

frustrated of solving problem?? stop living

"Read the Doc" without a reference is as useless as the rest of our comment.

1. Espressif documents programmable pull up/down GPIO pins but then never states what state at boot all pins are, that I can find.
2. Espressif never documents the values used in pull up/down that I can find
3. The reference to work done on NodeMCU Flash tool would indicate the Github site would reflect this, the last update to was Sept. 30 2015.
4. The ( is dated and the links are broken.

So "addicted", please point out something that I can read that is relevant otherwise keep your snide, demeaning comments to yourself.