"This node: 9406A82F Received from 7F138CFE msg=Hello from node 940c2823"
I don't understand how if each mode sends its unique message "hello from node xxxxxxxx" a message from one node can contain the message from another node?
I probably have misunderstood the design I thought it was peer to peer but it appears from the below it is a client to server then repeated server to destination client.
The original code lacks documentation within the code which will make it difficult even for the original coder to follow the code after sometime elapses.
There are 3 esp's in this test.
startHere: New Connection, adopt=1
This node: 9406A82F Received from 7F138CFE msg=Hello from node 940c2823
This node: 9406A82F Received from 7F138CFE msg=Hello from node 7f138cfe
This node: 9406A82F Received from 7F138CFE msg=Hello from node 940c2823
This node: 9406A82F Received from 7F138CFE msg=Hello from node 7f138cfe
This node: 9406A82F Received from 7F138CFE msg=Hello from node 940c2823
This node: 9406A82F Received from 7F138CFE msg=Hello from node 940c2823
This node: 9406A82F Received from 7F138CFE msg=Hello from node 7f138cfe[/quote]
The "start here" code below was modified to show the NodeID's in HEX
[code]// if the time is ripe, send everyone a message!
if ( sendMessageTime != 0 && sendMessageTime < mesh.getNodeTime() ){
String msg = "Hello from node ";
msg+=String(mesh.getNodeId(),HEX); //// dk modded note id is concoted from MAC aka bssid
// msg += mesh.getNodeId();
mesh.sendBroadcast( msg );
sendMessageTime = 0;[/code]
[code] Serial.printf("This node: %X Received from %X msg=%s\n\r",mesh.getNodeId(), from, msg.c_str());[/code]