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By marcelstoer
Robert1968 wrote:ESP-01 upgrade not works in the upgrade way suggested by ChrisSparks ??

Read the posts carefully. ChrisSparks uses a LoLin V3 board which has 4MB flash memory. Hence, his flashing parameters are different and the address for esp init data is different as well.

Robert1968 wrote:the solution is:
sudo python --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash  -fm qio  -fs 8m 0x00000 ./nodemcu-master-9-modules-2016-11-08-09-33-18-integer.bin 0xfc000 esp_init_data_default.bin

We're currently having a discussion about 512KB vs. 1MB flash on the ESP-01 at ... -259267464. I'm a bit puzzled.