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By happyspider
#58155 I have this board ... SP8266.jpg

It says on one pin (top right) RX <- D0. Because I found that for waking up from deep sleep I should connect RST to D0(GPIO16) this might be the right pin for enabling waking up.

But my board does not wake up. I used

Code: Select all  ESP.deepSleep(50 * 1000000);

and I can see that power consumption goes down, but I can not see that my chip restarts. I guess RX <- D0 is something totally different than D0...what do I have to do for my board to wake up?
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By schufti
#58171 unfortunately the Wemos R1 (not mini) has gone through a lot of undocumented changes (no schematic for old designs available). And specially D0 has a history, looking at the pinout of various versions. So best advice is to check with continuity tester from ESP module to pins for finding correct one.
Additionaly there is a 100nF capacitor on rst, maybe that is hindering the signal from gpio16 to "go through".

summary: Wemos D1 is not the best choice for deep sleep experiments.