Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By turconi
#5950 Hi polymorph2..

I compile this over the windows with eclipse but this is not a problem ..... the libs that I use are the same like you ... I put the complete projects here and try to compile this to solve the problem... If you have any question please send me againg a post. If you resolve the problem put here how do you do that....

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By polymorph2
#5977 Hi Asimov.

Wow! I appreciate your help. Thank you very much indeed. I guess I could narrow down the possible problems.

I installed the Eclipse DevKit by CHERTS for Windows (usually I develop on Linux). It is bundled with the SDK 0.9.4. After some modifications I compiled your source with Eclipse against the SDK 0.9.4. As expected, the CIPSTARTSSL did not work (but the esp didn't freeze). Everything else worked.
After that, I replaced the SDK 0.9.4 on the Eclipse/Windows machine with the SDK 0.9.3. Then your source compiles without modification but the esp freezes after the command CIPSTARTSSL.

In conclusion, I use the same Makefile. I use Eclipse on Windows and probably the same compiler (xtensa-gcc that comes with the DevKit).

Therefore, I guess the only difference between your toolchain and my toolchain is the libraries used. I guess I must have slightly different libraries. I use the libs from SDK 0.9.3 in https://github.com/esp8266/esp8266-wiki/tree/master/sdk. I saw that the DevKit by CHERTS was previously bundled with the SDK 0.9.3 but I couldn't find it any more. Only the 0.9.4-version is available now.

So the only solution I could think of is to try to compile it with your libs. Could you please upload the libs you used to compile it.

Thanks alot!
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By turconi
#5979 Hi polymorph2...

I attached the libs that I have and try againg..... I probed here with the V0.9.4 and correct some little error and compiled but the ESP don´t connect to ssl server with my command nor the version v0.9.5 too.....
Some important point is that I replace the original libssl.a for other that espressif said that have a problem with the ssl connection... I put on the attachment both ok!!!!!
If put the patch libssl.a on the v0.9.4 or v0.9.5 the ESP don´t connect... I think they have a bug there on the libs and didn´t remember to correct this patch on the newer libs files...

Check againg with this libs files ....

Regards Asimov
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By polymorph2
#6154 Hi Asimov!

Thanks a lot. You are great! Your libssl.a works. I could compile the source an connect. Did you create the lib by yourself or is it provided by Expressif?

I played around with it and I tried combining it with the SDK 0.9.4. It does not work. Moreover, it's a little bit buggy. Not every connection to every server works. I hope they will adapt it to new releases. Otherwise, one might try to compile it from source and correct the bugs. So at the moment one cannot rely on the lib, but it is still fun to play around with it.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards