With a wired network It works but I want to use WIFI
Using the ESP 13 shield it came with a preprogramed interface for setup at
But I cant get it to connect to Cayenne or Blynk (possibly I didn't know the right settings) on the ESP 8266
I can program the Arduino no problem
The ESP 13 shield I can program with a USB to serial adapter 3.3V
(by connecting power, GND, TX, RX short GPIO 0 to GND Then pressing reset button before uploading )
I can program the LED to blink different rates on the ESP shield.
(Nice board! pins on top half are Arduino and bottom half are ESP 13)
SO for the Arduino.... Cayenne and Blynk have a the sketch for the Arduino
But for the ESP 13 shield - I think I need a program that has the AT commands to communicate from Serial pins 0 and 1 then to output the WIFI end. (And yes Switches on the shield are off when programing either board... and on for when not programing)
I think my ESP 13 only has a LED blink program in it currently..... what AT command program goes in the ESP 13?
Thanks for your input!