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By Johnny010
#62412 The ESP8266-01?

You can...if you have some decent soldering skills, attach the GPIO16 pin from the SMD chip to the RST pin.
Option 2 is say using a small MCU, like an ATTiny85 to provide a route to ground (via a transistor say) to reset the ESP8266-01. The Attiny85 uses very little power in Watchdog mode and can be used as "waking timer".


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By jhumphr
#62419 I suppose I'll have to ask some of my college ECE techs and see if they can help me solder that on Monday... I don't have any flux, nor the tip or ability to do so right now... Dang. Thanks!

Has anyone done this before? What sized soldering iron tip did you use?
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By ArnieO
#62468 All you need is a normal fine tip solder iron, some practice with soldering and a steady hand. I killed the first board I tried, the second is working fine.

It is easier if you use a very thin wire (more easily bent to the exact right position). Solder to the RST pin first, then to the SMD chip.