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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By sandfrog
#63860 Hello,
I have an ESP-07 modules, however, the Interupt does not work on the GPIO16 and GPIO12, i use 10K Pulldowns.

GPIO14 - Works
EDIT: i use ESP Basic 3.0.Alpha 66

Code: Select all[isr]
interrupt GPIO16, [switch1]

if io(laststat,GPIO16) = 1 then print "Hello"
goto [isr]

mfg sandfrog
User avatar
By sandfrog
#63881 I RTFM and ESPBASIC use Prolling for Interups

"Will execute a specific branch when a pins status changes. The interrupt polling only occurs when the esp is waiting and useful for things like push buttons trigger events. The branch must end with the wait command."

Mmiscool Writing folow:

"You can have interupts on any of the i/o pins and there is no limit to how many you can have except the number of pins available."

But why does GPIO12 not work?