/SD0, /SD1, /SD2, /SD3 (default is /FLASH)
However successive volume names seem not to work if /SD0 is mounted. Therefore I stick to /SD0 as I use a single SD card.
2) /SD0: and /SD0 both work as the volume's names
However file access becomes different:
with the first option (/SD0:) one needs to use file.chdir("/SD0:") before accessing the SD card and cannot access files directly like file.open("/SD0/Hello.txt")
with the second option the long file name can be used without file.chdir
Therefore I use /SD0
3) useful reference information (in addition to compulsory https://nodemcu.readthedocs.io/en/maste ... ules/file/ and https://nodemcu.readthedocs.io/en/master/en/sdcard/ )
"SPIFFS doesn’t have the concept of folders, but accepts arbitrary characters in the filename, so you can create pseudo-folders just by adding slashes within the file’s name. Note that the maximum filename length is 32 characters, and extensions on the end of a filename do not have any special meaning (except for lua-specific files, like .lua and .lc). ...
There can only be one file open at a time, so there is no need to maintain a file handle between operations."
https://blog.falafel.com/working-with-f ... e-esp8266/