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By Cosmic Mac
torntrousers wrote:I've wondered about how to do something useful with these probe events.

A while ago, I tried to trigger some actions at home, depending on the presence of family members, by regularly pinging their cell phone.
Unfortunately those devices won't always reply to ping.

Yesterday, I succesfully tested QuickFix's sketch (many thanks for sharing ;) ) and I think it's definitively the way to go to reach my goal.

Now, I have to test it in AP_STA mode, cause I want to forward events to my MQTT server.
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By QuickFix
Cosmic Mac wrote:Now, I have to test it in AP_STA mode, cause I want to forward events to my MQTT server.

Would love to see (parts of) the result.

I was thinking/fantasizing about writing probe-requests to SD-card, to have an isolated spy device I can leave hidden at places.
If I would place a dozen of these in, lets say, a shopping mall, I should be able to make some sort of device tracking using triangulation.
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By QuickFix
Cosmic Mac wrote:My first try:

Great, this will also be a nice way for me of learning C++. :idea:
