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Moderator: igrr

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By mrburnette
electronicsguy wrote:Yes but that's not saying much. Could someone from espressif give any indication of the final release date?

Oh, my! Obviously you do not understand that the ESP8266 "core" for Arduino is not an Espressif product.

License and credits

Arduino IDE is developed and maintained by the Arduino team. The IDE is licensed under GPL.

ESP8266 core includes an xtensa gcc toolchain, which is also under GPL.

Esptool written by Christian Klippel is licensed under GPLv2, currently maintained by Ivan Grokhotkov:

Espressif SDK included in this build is under Espressif MIT License.

ESP8266 core files are licensed under LGPL.

SPI Flash File System (SPIFFS) written by Peter Andersson is used in this project. It is distributed under MIT license.

umm_malloc memory management library written by Ralph Hempel is used in this project. It is distributed under MIT license.

axTLS library written by Cameron Rich, built from, is used in this project. It is distributed under BSD license.

igrr has IMO been the glue that has made the Arduino ESP8266 core possiblem but there has been many other contributors and testers.

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By electronicsguy
mrburnette wrote:
electronicsguy wrote:Yes but that's not saying much. Could someone from espressif give any indication of the final release date?

Oh, my! Obviously you do not understand that the ESP8266 "core" for Arduino is not an Espressif product.

Sure,I obviously don't. Still doesn't change the fact the RC is just that: "RC". There hasn't been a release for almost a year now and no word from developers on this issue. For part-time hobbyists, that means it's frozen.