Current Lua downloadable firmware will be posted here

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By marcelstoer
StefanL38 wrote:@all you specialists:
what's the reason why things get incompatible when using a newer firmware?

No need to be a specialist. Things change between releases, APIs may break at some point, there's no such thing as infinite backwards compatibility. Very often it isn't even the NodeMCU firmware that behaves differently but incompatibilities stem from the underlaying ESP8266 SDK from Espressif.

StefanL38 wrote:are you trying to stay in a small circle of people "who have all the knowledge?"

Far from it. Way over 30'000 people built NodeMCU firmware with the cloud builder since summer 2015 and that doesn't include all those who build the firmware themselves. That ain't what I'd call "small circle".

StefanL38 wrote:Where can I find script-examples that will work with the actual firmware?

Our extensive documentation is full of snippets for most functions. The lua_examples folder on GitHub has more complete examples., run by the creator of NodeMCU (no longer on board), also has a few small examples.

StefanL38 wrote:Does there exist a beginners-guide to nodeMCU-Lua which explains the things for bloody newbees

We i.e. the current firmware team don't provide such intros but the Internet is full of it. However, if you're a newbie it probably isn't a good idea to start with an arbitrary script you got from somewhere which used to work for version X of the firmware. Start small and then go step-by-step.
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By marcelstoer
StefanL38 wrote:script1.lua:8: attempt to index global 'net' (a nil value)

Assuming line 8 is "srv=net.createServer(net.TCP)" then this error means that the firmware you flashed doesn't have the 'net' module included.