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By aruneshdutta
#75849 Hello all

I am using breadboard power adpter for MB102 like the one, it was working fine but now when connecting any ground pin the adapter led starts blinking even changed other power adapeter but same not knowing what's causing this a adapter,anything related to main supply or breadboard
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By McChubby007
aruneshdutta wrote:Hello all

I am using breadboard power adpter for MB102 like the one, it was working fine but now when connecting any ground pin the adapter led starts blinking even changed other power adapeter but same not knowing what's causing this a adapter,anything related to main supply or breadboard

Those breadboard power supplies are unreliable, I had one until I realised that they cannot sustain the current requirements of the esp8266. They are fine with an Arduino UNO etc.
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By HakimJacob
#90088 Hi...taking what you have said in a real sense then I can't see your circuit working.
The CPUs need a directed 5v DC to work.

On the off chance that you have quite recently utilized a transformer, a diode or diode square and took care of that voltage to the +5vdc line of the chips then its conceivable everything has blown.

To check on the off chance that anything accomplishes still work, at that point utilize 4.5v of battery force and measure the current which ought to be under 20ma dc

The secret elements on the lcd are a decent sign, it implies it is working somewhat, simply not getting a single thing from the miniature.

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