For anyone who uses MicroPython and this LCTech single relay board, I have been able to get it working using the following steps:
1) download and install the micropython ESP from here:
2) reprogram your esp8266 (with and connect to the esp8266 via serial configure it to connect to your local wifi
3) enable webrepl by entering
import webrepl_setup
4) download and open the
5) connect to your esp8266 and type the following:
from machine import UART
ut0 = UART(0, 9600)
ut0.init(9600, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1)
import ubinascii
# below will turn the relay on:
ut0.write(ubinascii.unhexlify('A00101A2') )
# below will turn the relay off:
ut0.write(ubinascii.unhexlify('A00100A1') )
I haven't got a web server up and running as yet, but that should be a fairly trivial task in micropython.
Hope this helps.