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By 2084971
#89957 I was asked to have a look at a depth sounder (SonarPhone) that was modified to have a wider signal.

This unit used to work fine, but now the signal is to weak to work with. max 25 meters I guess.
First I thought the modified antenna on the print was gotten lose, but after a quick inspection this wasn't the case. To be sure I soldered a new antenna cable to it - but as expected this doesn't improve anything.

My electronic skills are not that strong in the HF, but so isn't my programming either. But we are learning....

I soon came to the conclusion replacing the whole transmitting board with a new one would give me the best and fastest result...But I think I was wrong.

I ordered a couple of ESP01's and 07's I believe - but intentioned to work with the 01.

Originally there is a 3v3 supply, GND, TX, RX - so basically the same as on the ESP's. That would be an easy replacement.

Now after a lot of trial and error the unit isn't working how it should. I get the ESP in AP mode. I have uploaded a few codes that read RX and print TX but it isn't working...

In the Arduino IDE I cannot see what is happening, all is blank.
Checking the functions in the android app is soon telling me that "Not Connected to SonarPhone Wifi" and thus gives no information.

Connection the old board to the print and the app is working again.

Now I'm not sure how to cope with this. I do not now how the app is 'started', I don't know in what protocol it is written. (expecting http?) I was so unknown to think input->output and nothing has to be adjusted.

How to proceed with this, all help is appreciated


The Netherlands

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By QuickFix
#89967 I don't know the device you're referring to, but what makes you certain it uses an ESP8266?
Or are you trying to modify an existing device to use an ESP8266?

Please note that very short wavelengths, like the 2.1GHz used with WiFi (and thus chips like the ESP) propagate very bad in water; that's also the reason sonar (but also communication in submarines) uses very long wavelengths (= very low frequencies) to do their jobs.

Maybe if you give us a brief explanation of what the device looks like and what you're trying to achieve.
If you do want to just swap out an existing ESP8266 chip or module (because the current one isn't properly functioning anymore) you can extract the firmware from the existing module and flash it to a new ESP.

Also from The Netherlands. :)
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By 2084971
#89971 I want to swap out the existing chip/ module to an esp8266.

The original chip used is a 'mediatek mt7688an'

I thought that it would be as easy as 'going in -> going out'. But now I'm not sure.

My programming is on a copy paste level. I think I understand some coding. But have no confirmation.
I tried some sketches in de arduino ide, but it looks like the are all only one way communication.
I'm not sure what the right code would be.

If I connect the old board, I connect the WiFi with my phone. Open the app, and then start the program. This will ask you to operate in 'master/slave' mode - since you can watch the data with multiple screens.
After the choice is made, and for master the password has been granted - the unit starts working (I hear the ping)

I'm not sure if the WiFi module is just a pass thru at the moment, or if the information is being processed. It looked just all that simple to me, but yet I cannot get my hands on it :roll:

Is there more info I can provide you for?
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By QuickFix
#90022 Unfortunately you can't just swap out any other wireless module with an ESP8266. :?
Even in this case (although I don't know this product) I'm almost 100% certain the Mediatek chip contains custom firmware for this specific application (so you probably also can't just swap out the Mediatek chip on its own) or at least is controlled in a Mediatek specific way (which the ESP doesn't understand).