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By Het
#89997 Hey guys!

I am new to ESP8266 ESP-01. I have a bread board friendly adapter for it which enables it to be used with the 5V on the Arduino Uno. The output pins on the adapter are GND, VCC, RX and TX.

Connection were as follows:

1. GND of adapter to GND of UNO
2. VCC to 5V
3. RX to pin 2
4. TX to pin 3

( from this instructable [url ] [/url] )

I noticed the blue LED on the ESP8266 blinked for a few milliseconds when I connected the UNO to my laptop. Then, I installed the ESP8266 board library from board manager. Switched the board to "Generic ESP8266 Module" and ran an example code "blink" in the library.

I got the following error:

the selected serial port _
does not exist or your board is not connected

I am not sure what is wrong. Does the ESP-01 need to be flashed?

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.