Left here for archival purposes.

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By Theo
jankop wrote:I'm against it. If not rise significantly memory requirements of programs, so it is clearly beneficial. I even edited the first program for FP.

> =(600-600%70)/70


This does not work for negative numbers !
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By picstart
#9889 Well the last working build was
NodeMCU 0.9.5 build 20150123 powered by Lua 5.1.4

this version also appears to work with 512K and 4m Flash

flash is 512K
latest nodemcu prebuild at 115200 baud errors
rl l | l | l b| r b b nn lnn b p lrlrlp n l b n | r b nn l l` nn l nr n b
l` p n r b n | b nn l` nn l nr n bl lp n r lb b n | l l b nn l` nn l
nr n ` r n ` MEM CHECK FAIL!!!

Adding float may not be the issue but things have gone awry since float was attempted.

I'm using the nodemcu prebuilds since the windows eclipse IDE by CHERTS does not compile error free for nodemcu-firmware so I can't get the float out of the compile.
The default for float should be to have it selected out of the prebuild's not selected in as it is now.