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By Oscar Fuentes
btidey wrote:Looks OK

Hello good,
First of all, thank you very much for your constant help, I appreciate it.

I have found a schematic of the ESP12-E NodeMcu board, to which I have connected the sensors (DHT22, CCS811 and PPD42).

Can you confirm if it is correct and would it work? Or maybe it won't work?
Is there any way to verify or simulate it?
Link:|b135b577 ... e6fe30ee29

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By btidey
#90986 Yes. That schematic adds on the USB to serial and extra components to allow for automatic flashing.

It looks Ok but I would use a slightly lower value for the pull down on GPIO15. After reset GPIO15 will have a weak internal pull up of around 36K. The 12K value of the pull down will drop the voltage down to 0.25 of Vcc which will probably be read as a low but the specification says it should be below 0.25Vcc so it is marginal and if the internal pull up is a bit lower then it would be out of spec. . I would use 4k7 to be really sure it is a good solid low.