All senors are digital (I2C or data): DS18B20 (4x) , BMP280 (1x), BME280 (3x), TSYS01 (1x), MCP9808 (1x) and data is being logged at ThingsSpeak. The sensors are mounted outside, near to each other and protected from sun and rain. There are no heat or other sources nearby. Sensors are connected correctly (otherwise no data).
Most of these are "factory calibrated" according to the datasheet. Only the DS18 (incapsulated) can be calibrated using melting ice and boiling water, the others won't survive this.
Roughly the temperature ranges are 0,5 degree C +/- the average reading, also compared to nearby (<5km) weather stations. (all measurements within 1 minute)
It looks like the TSYS01 is the sensor 'delivering' the true temperature, but I'm not sure of that. Quite expensive sensor and already one didn't survive 5 VDC (oops).
Who can tell which of the above sensors are the closest to the true (realistic) Temperature?
What other 'reasonable priced' temperature sensor will be better than the ones I'm using?