This is my first try to use SPI with the ESP8266 and FreeRTOS but for some reason I there is only zeroes in the MISO buffer. The SPI device I am using is the MCP3008 10-bit ADC. I can see from my oscilloscope that the MCP3008 is returning data on the MISO line so I'm at a loss as to what's happening. Here are some code snippets to how I'm configuring the ESP and executing spi_trans.
spi_config_t spi_config;
spi_config.interface.val = SPI_DEFAULT_INTERFACE;
spi_config.intr_enable.val = 0;
spi_config.event_cb = NULL;
spi_config.mode = SPI_MASTER_MODE;
spi_config.clk_div = SPI_2MHz_DIV;
spi_init(HSPI_HOST, &spi_config);
spi_trans_t trans;
uint32_t addr = 0;
uint32_t MOSI = 0x01800000;
uint32_t MISO = 0xFFFFFFFF;
trans.cmd = &cmd;
trans.addr = &addr;
trans.mosi = &MOSI;
trans.miso = &MISO;
trans.bits.cmd = 8;
trans.bits.addr = 0;
trans.bits.mosi = sizeof(MOSI) * 8;
trans.bits.miso = sizeof(MISO) * 8;
spi_trans(HSPI_HOST, &trans);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Read %08x", MISO);
vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS);
The ESP8266 I'm using is the Adafruit HUZZAH board with the following pins hooked up to the MCP3008
SPI ESP8266 MCP3008
CLK 14 13
SS 15 10
MOSI 13 11
MISO 12 12
Does anybody see what I could be doing incorrectly here to have MISO filled with 0's?