====== Modules ======
Most common modules ESP-NN seem to come from AI-Thinkers vendor. Espressif Systems themselves have produced the ESP-WROOM-02 Wi-Fi Module.
All Modules by AI-Thinker : see [[http://wiki.ai-thinker.com/_media/esp8266/esp8266_module_list.png]]
* 推荐型号 (Green) : Recommended Model
* 停产型号 (Gray) : Discontinued Model
Product Specification : [[http://wiki.ai-thinker.com/esp8266/docs]]
User Manual : [[http://wiki.ai-thinker.com/_media/esp8266/a000um01a3.pdf]]
There are also modules from other vendors, such as :
* Olimex, see [[https://www.olimex.com/Products/IoT/]],
* Wireless-tag, see [[http://www.wireless-tag.com/index.php/Product/dis/33.html]]
* Qilianer, see [[http://en.qilianer.com/product/28032.html]]
* Smarttime.cn, see [[http://www.smartline.com.cn/]]
and other unknown vendors are starting to become available.
Apparently new versions of older modules are appearing with larger flash sizes. To check the flash size of your module:
* ''# esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 115200 flash_id''
* Connecting...
* Manufacturer: c8
* Device: 4013
Then check out the combo at https://code.coreboot.org/p/flashrom/source/tree/HEAD/trunk/flashchips.h:
* manufacturer c8 is GigaDevice and device 4013 is GD25Q40, which is a 4Mbit=512KByte device
* manufacturer ef is Winbond (ex Nexcom) and device 4016 is W25Q32, which is a 32Mbit=4MByte device
===== ESP-WROOM-02 By Espressif Systems =====
** CE of ESP-WROOM-02 **
** FCC of ESP-WROOM-02 **
===== ESP-01 =====
Note: Some batches of this module ship with LED Current limiting resistors of the wrong value (47Ohm vs 4.7KOhm). This usually results in the power LED vanishing in a puff of smoke.
===== ESP-02 =====
===== ESP-03 =====
^ Pin ^ Name ^ Alternate Functions ^ Notes ^
| 1 | GND | | (Pin 1 is in the corner close to the crystal and away from antenna) |
| 2 | NC | | |
| 3 | UTXD | SPICS1, GPIO1, CLK\_RTC | Typically used as serial uart0 TX |
| 4 | URXD | I2SO\_DATA, GPIO3, CLK\_XTAL | Typically used as serial uart0 RX |
| 5 | GPIO16 | XPD\_DCDC, RTC\_GPIO0, EXT\_WAKEUP, DEEPSLEEP | Connected to XPD\_DCDC ESP pin, can also be connected to ESP EXT\_RSTB (reset) pin by closing jumper near pin 8; Reset pin is active low and has an internal weak pull-up; Connecting jumper is required to wake-up ESP from deep-sleep: RTC produces pulse on XPD\_DCDC pin that needs to be fed into EXT\_RSTB pin |
| 6 | CH\_PD| | Power-down: low input powers down chip, high powers up; tie high for normal operation or module will not function |
| 7 | ANT | | Wifi Antenna, do not connect |
| 8 | VCC | | 3.3V input (pin 8 is between antenna and ESP chip) |
| 9 | GPIO14 | MTMS, I2SI\_WS, SP\_CLK | |
| 10 | GPIO12 | MTDI, I2SI\_DATA, MISO | |
| 11 | GPIO13 | MTCK, I2SI\_BCK, MOSI | |
| 12 | GPIO15 | MTDO, I2SO\_BCK, SP\_CS | At boot: must be low to enter flash or normal boot (high enters special boot modes) |
| 13 | GPIO2 | I2SO\_WS, U1TXD, U0TXD | At boot: must be high to enter flash or normal boot (low enters special boot modes); Typically is used as uart1 TX for debug logging |
| 14 | GPIO0 | SPICS2, CLK\_OUT | At boot: low causes bootloader to enter flash upload mode; high causes normal boot |
===== ESP-04 =====
===== ESP-05 =====
===== ESP-06 =====
:!: **//not// FCC approved (*) ** :!:
===== ESP-07 =====
Note: some versions have an error on silkscreen: GPIO4 and GPIO5 are exchanged!
:!: **//not// FCC approved (*) ** :!:
{{:06-07.jpg?200|}} under the can by Baoshi
{{:07-05.jpg?200|}} {{:07-06.jpg?200|}} pinout of current 16 pin variant
{{:07-04.jpg?200|}} :!: pinout shows early 14 pin variant
//Notable difference between 14 and 16 pins variants is that 16 pins has LEDs outside shield. Also, antenna socket is on the bottom left, whereas 14-pin has antenna on the top left.//
===== ESP-08 =====
:!: **//not// FCC approved (*) ** :!:
Two versions of ESP-08 are on the market: one with 7x2 pins (like the one in the picture) and probably a new one with 8x2+ant pins (pinout is the same like the new 8x2 ESP-07)
===== ESP-09 =====
===== ESP-10 =====
===== ESP-11 =====
{{:11-04.jpg?200|}} This does not appear to be the version 11 board picture . Pins are not at the right end
{{:11-05.jpg?200|}} [[http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=585|From here]]
===== ESP-12 =====
:!: ** //not// FCC approved(*) ** :!:
(*) not FCC approved, just labelled to look like they do, not a valid FCC ID on the label
** FCC of ESP-12 **
** CE of ESP-12 **
CE NUMBER: BCTC-141212468
Note:This is not an EU CE declaration of conformity, This is a test pass certificate from a third party test company that has no official standing. An official EU DoC must be made by the manufacturer not a third party. Also note safety standard EN60950 does not exist, and has not for many many years. The R&TTE directive quoted ceased to be valid in 2016. These comments and similar apply to a lot of the certificates on this page.
===== ESP-12F =====
===== ESP-12-E/Q =====
:!: **This reverse engineered schematic wrong in flash connection. Check table below ** :!:
^ ESP Pin ^ Func ^ Alternate Functions ^ Flash pin ^ Err by bimbo385 ^
| 18 | SDIO\_DATA_2 | [SPIHD] | pin 7 [!HOLD] | 3(!WP [IO2]) |
| 19 | SDIO\_DATA_3 | [SPIWP] | pin 3 [!WP] | 7(!HOLD [IO3]) |
| 20 | SDIO\_CMD | [SDIO\_CMD] | pin 1 [!CS] | |
| 21 | SDIO\_CLK | [SPICLK] | pin 6 [CLK] | |
| 22 | SDIO\_DATA_0 | [SPIQ/MISO] | pin 2 [DO] | 5 (DI [IO0]) |
| 23 | SDIO\_DATA_1 | [SPID/MOSI] | pin 5 [DI] | 2 (DO [IO1]) |
FIXME Please, fix this table if it possible. FIXME
===== ESP-12S =====
===== ESP-13 =====
===== ESP-14 =====
{{esp8266-14_withshield.jpg?300 |The etching on the shield reads: 'STM8S003 INSIDE'}} The etching on the shield reads: 'STM8S003 INSIDE'
{{ esp8266-14_backside.jpg?300 |}}
Backside of the ESP8266-14 module.
The ESP8266-14 module has pins and connections on three sides of the board
{{ esp8266-14_shieldremoved.jpg?640 |}}
ESP8266-14 module with metal shield removed. Underneath the shield there is a 20-pin QFPN chip with the marking 'S033', which according to the STM8S003 datasheet is the proper device marking.
===== WT8266-S1 By Wireless-Tag =====
** CE of WT8266-S1 **
** FCC of WT8266-S1 **
===== Modules Family =====
{{:esp_modules_front.jpg?600 |}}
{{:esp_modules_back.jpg?600 |}}
Modules shown here together with an external aerial, a large, cheap and poor quality development board together with a small, expensive and high quality development board.
===== Summary Table =====
^ Board ID ^ #Pins ^ Pitch ^ Form factor ^ LEDs ^ Antenna ^ Ant.Socket ^ Shielded ^ Dimensions mm ^ Flash Size in Bytes and (bits) ^
| ESP-01 | 8 | 0.1" | 2x4 DIL | Yes | Etched-on PCB | No | No | 14.3 x 24.8 | 512KB (4Mb) ×× |
| ESP-02 | 8 | 0.1" | 2x4 notch | No? | None | Yes | No | 14.2 x 14.2 | 512KB (4Mb) × |
| ESP-03 | 14 | 2mm | 2x7 notch | No | Ceramic| No | No | 17.3 x 12.1 | 512KB (4Mb) × |
| ESP-04 | 14 | 2mm | 2x4 notch | No? | None | No | No | 14.7 x 12.1 | 512KB (4Mb) × |
| ESP-05 | 5 | 0.1" | 1x5 SIL | No | None | Yes | No | 14.2 x 14.2 | 512KB (4Mb) × |
| ESP-06 | 12+GND | misc | 4x3 dice | No | None | No | Yes | 16.3 x 13.1 | 512KB (4Mb) × |
| ESP-07 | 16 | 2mm | 2x8 pinhole | Yes | Ceramic | Yes | Yes | 21.2 x 16.0 | 1MB (8Mb) ×× |
| ESP-07S | 16 | 2mm | 2x8 pinhole | No | None | Yes | Yes | 17.0 x 16.0 | 4MB (32Mb) |
| ESP-08 | 14 | 2mm | 2x7 notch | No | None | No | Yes | 17.0 x 16.0 | ?? //(please fill if you know)// |
| ESP-08 New | 16 | 2mm | 2x8 notch | No | None | No | Yes | 18.0 x 16.0 | ?? //(please fill if you know)// |
| ESP-09 | 12+GND | misc | 4x3 dice | No | None | No | No | 10.0 x 10.0 | 1MB (8Mb) |
| ESP-10 | 5 | 2mm //??// | 1x5 notch | No | None | No | No | 14.2 x 10.0 | 512KB (4Mb) * |
| ESP-11 | 8 | 1.27mm| 1x8 pinhole | No? | Ceramic | No | No | 17.3 x 12.1 | 512KB (4Mb) * |
| ESP-12 | 16 | 2mm | 2x8 notch | Yes | Etched-on PCB | No | Yes | 24.0 x 16.0 | 4MB (32Mb) //??// |
| ESP-12F | 22 | 2mm | 2x8 notch | Yes | Etched-on PCB | No | Yes | 24.0 x 16.0 | 4MB (32Mb) |
| ESP-12E | 22 | 2mm | 2x8 notch | Yes | Etched-on PCB | No | Yes | 24.0 x 16.0 | 4MB (32Mb) |
| ESP-12S | 16 | 2mm | 2x8 notch | Yes | Etched-on PCB | No | Yes | 24.0 x 16.0 | 4MB (32Mb) |
| ESP-13 | 18 | 1.5mm | 2x9 | ? | Etched-on PCB | No | Yes | 20.0 x 19.9 | 4MB (32Mb) |
| ESP-14 | 22 | 2mm | 2x8 + 6 | 1 | Etched-on PCB | No | Yes | 24.3 x 16.2 | ?? //(please fill if you know)// |
| ESP-201 | 22+4 | 0.1" | 2x11 + 4 | 2 | Etched-on PCB ××× | Yes | No | 33.5 x 25.5 | 512KB (4Mb) |
| WROOM-02 | 18 | 1.5mm | 2x9 | No | Etched on PCB | No | Yes | 20.0 x 18.0 | ?? //(please fill if you know)// |
| WT8266-S1 | 18 | 1.5mm | 3x6 | 1 | Etched on PCB | No | Yes | 15.0 x 18.6| 4MB (32Mb) |
**× New firmwares can only be flashed on boards with at least 1MB (8Mb) flash.**
**×× May be different on different editions of the board.**
**××× Antenna connector is connected by default, to use PCB antenna switch (solder) the 0Ω resistor to the corresponding position.**
more products : [[http://wiki.ai-thinker.com/_media/esp8266/esp8266_module_list.png]]