Lets start your home automated!
A windows App "UbiKey" is now available in windows App store.
Burn two files user1.bin and user2.bin at 0x01000 and 0x41000 respectively to your ESP-07 or ESP-12 (for full functionality)
Connect GPIO-13 and GPIO-02 with LED or external load with TRIAC or MOSFET .
Restart ESP.
In phone, browse for THWX-XXXXXXX access-point and connect.
Open App.
You will see the logical mapping of device and Switchbox.
Tap and hold the icons for details of each switches.
Tap and hold the main menu of Switchbox, it will give you lot of menus including "Device information configuration", "name changing" and cloud update also.
Give Home WLAN SSID and password so that the ESP can communicate to cloud.
Connect Wi-Fi to your home WLAN again.
Get a Key from http://www.thingsworx.com [Create A/C and 5 channels) and give it inside Configuration. You will get the reflection of your ESP status at your ESP status.
In future, the load status is expected to be included !