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By idolpx
#50781 The purpose of this project was to help me get familiar with programming for the ESP8266 and have a bit of fun.

* User connects to the device broadcasting an SSID of "FREE Highspeed WiFi" (this is configurable of course)
* The captive portal helper on their phone/table/computer kicks in and presents them with a page showing "Terms of Service" and a button labeled "I Accept"
* When they click the button a full screen animated GIF of Rick Astley dancing appears and an audio clip of "Never Gonna Give You Up" starts playing on loop along with a message in the bottom right letting them know they got rock rolled (Incase they don't understand what's going on)


I still need to make a video to demo this project and I want to add a few more features. It is fully functional now though. Let me know what you think.