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By Dtop13
#56176 Hi everyone, i have a project to write a gif file from internet to SD Card with STM32f4 and ESP8266 module v01
I'm a newbie of STM32f4 and ARM so it is difficult for me to find the best way to do that.
I read on the internet that i can use FATFS to write a file to SD Card but is it possible to write a file from internet through UART of STM32f4 to SD Card?
If possible, can u please guide me the main step or sample.
Thanks you so much!
Sorry for my bad english.
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By FreddyVictor
#58129 yes, it's possible
get ESP8266 to receive gif bytes of data, and then forward them to STM32F4 using say UART
STM32F4 receives bytes and can write chunks (best to buffer and then write say 512 bytes at a time) to SD card
will need some protocol to inform STM32 what the file name is, plus the start and end of the data its receiving.
the programming for STM32 may be tricky if you havn't used it before - see http://stm32f4-discovery.net/2014/05/al ... one-place/
for some useful libraries

The thing is to break the task up into manageable chunks