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By mamic2
#64649 hi guys,
i have problems with my esp-12 battery project.
the aim of the project is to get T+H values, light value and battery vcc and send it to thingspeak.
Till now i was able to send online vcc data and fixed number values giving ranom numbers to T,H,L.
So deepsleep and vcc readings work fine...i see values on thingspeak.
the problem happens when i start to connect sensors....nothing works anymore.
Can someone tell me how to connect DHT11 sensor to esp-12? is it compatible with deepsleep? and with vcc reading esp.getvcc()?
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By mamic2
Barnabybear wrote:Schematic, ESP type?


i cant draw schematics. ESP connected to 3.3v and GRND, same for DHT11. Signal DHT11 connected to ESP GPIO4. then for deepsleep RST connected to GPIO16. By now light sensor is not connected and code removed...lets just focus on DHT.
Any ideas why its not working?
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By schufti
#64702 old IT wisdom: place some "spies" (serial.print statements) on relevant places in your code and see how far your code proceeds like intended and when/what happens next ...

P.S.: everybody can draw schematics if he really wants to. Take a piece of paper, draw your schematic, take your smartphone, camera etc. take a picture and post it. Easy peasy ... one picture tells more than 1000 words. Everyone gets as much help as he shows effort to solve it, not get it solved.
additionally: showing your code might help too.