A place users can post their projects. If you have a small project and would like your own dedicated place to post and have others chat about it then this is your spot.

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By metalphreak
#16010 https://github.com/MetalPhreak/ESP8266_ ... CP_Example

Microchip MCP23S17 SPI GPIO expander connected over the hardware HSPI module.

TCP Listener configured on port 33333. Send it a 2 byte command to turn the outputs on or off.

Code: Select allecho -ne '\xFF\xFF' | nc 33333

Could easily be expanded to a project controlling relays, triacs, etc.

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By jiriw
#19036 Nice :D I bought some MCP23016s myself aiming for and ESP8266 with 'more' GPIO pins. Note the '0'.... (the '6' instead of '7' part means it's an older version... didn't know that and even paid 50 cents more :roll: ). For it to function you have to make an I2C connection which you can manage, I thought, by using two GPIO pins. Why did you use an 'S' version and use an SPI interface?