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By hdrut
MHeys wrote:This looks very interesting, however I couldn't work out if I need an OV7670 version with or without the FIFO buffer? I stupidly ordered one without the FIFO as I didn't realise there were two types and haven't been able to use it yet.


the camera version I used didn't have a buffer. I suppose it could be easier for the module to read from a buffered camera, but haven't tried it actually.

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By KevS_OC
#65491 I've been trying to get this to work on an esp8266-12e. I've tried as best I can to follow your wiring diagram, but it appears that either the lines are drawn over each other, or there are a lot of common connections. Have you tried this with the 12e to slim down the amount of wiring with switches, etc? Thanks!
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By hdrut
KevS_OC wrote:I've been trying to get this to work on an esp8266-12e. I've tried as best I can to follow your wiring diagram, but it appears that either the lines are drawn over each other, or there are a lot of common connections. Have you tried this with the 12e to slim down the amount of wiring with switches, etc? Thanks!


there are actually some GPIOs which are shared and must be switched after boot up, as the diagram suggests. This was a proof of concept and as such my intention was to just see if ESP8266 could read data coming from the camera and at what rate. Otherwise this module is evidently not fast enough to handle any video rate. Please tell me if I can help you in any way.

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By KevS_OC
hdrut wrote:Hi,

there are actually some GPIOs which are shared and must be switched after boot up, as the diagram suggests. This was a proof of concept and as such my intention was to just see if ESP8266 could read data coming from the camera and at what rate. Otherwise this module is evidently not fast enough to handle any video rate. Please tell me if I can help you in any way.


Thank you for the reply. The reason I was trying with the 12e was to be able to use its additional GPIOs so there wouldn't have to be any sharing. I don't need video for my project - just the ability to take and send photos to a cloud server. Any input you have would be greatly appreciated! The link for the pinout diagram for the 12e is https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q ... 8360005926