Inq720 wrote:Jacob Major wrote:Additionally as a follow up I found a 30 minute period to go test if connecting to my router worked and while it did it was very slow and I had trouble actually viewing files in the files tabs. The other tabs also loaded very slowly. Not sure if that is my fault since I have the router in a room to my left and the sensor/esp8266 in a room to my right and I am connecting to the router that needs to connect to the board.
I just re-read this and this jumped out at me this time. Is this on the RaspPi/Chromium machine? I'm thinking it is more related to the computer being overloaded / busy doing background tasks. You see... All the tabs are loaded at start-up. There is no partial loading from the ESP8266 server. Switching from one tab to another does not cause any network traffic to/from the server. It is merely hiding one tab and showing another tab.
This was using my regular windows machine. I might have a lot happening in the background but I can't really close them to test that idea. Deadlines are ramping up this week so I haven't had much time to work on all of this much this week. I should be able to address some more of my questions next week at the earliest but I appreciate the current support you've provided so far! I started to reformat the inqhisto.js file in my free time but I haven't had time to edit it yet.