- Raspberry Pi (any will do, i.e. Zero W)
Power Supply
LED Controller
- Breadboard (doublesided, about 3.5x10cm)
NodeMCU (i.e. V2 Amica Board)
2x Single-Row Pin Header Socket for NodeMCU
Recom R-785.0-1.0, 5V 1A (or L7805)
3x (TIP122 - outdated) IRLZ44N MOSFET
3x resistor 500Ω
some cable
- for Recom R78xx: 10µF (@input) & 100µF (@output)
Button (I chose a touch button)
single row Pin Header socket for NodeMCU
Strapubox 6090 or similar
Unless you already have some
- RGB LED strip
Power Supply 12V (Make sure it delivers appropriate amperage for the entire strip length at max brightness!)