The only document I found that refers to SD cards says it's "not yet implemented". It may be outdated in the meantime, we simply can't know without any information. I have no interest in adding SD card connectivity though, because it will use the same pins as the SPI-flash, so you wouldn't be able to use the "normal" flash, which makes things complicated.
The PWM is a software implementation (though quite fast and also at least frequency- maybe also phase-correct, if we're supposed to believe the documentation). The older implementation was only 8 bits (and therefore, imho, unfit for lighting control), the newer implementation offers a variable resolution; the higher the frequency, the lower the resolution. Kind of comparable to changing the TOP-register on ATmel microcontrollers. I've calculated that setting the frequency to 330 Hz, the resolution will be a theoretical 16 bits (at least the "full on" value will be 65535, I can't garantuee that all values from 0-65535 will give a different duty).
Also please follow the link to the new topic (two problems solved in one go...)
And your signature is annoying.