nodemcu_float_dev_json_20150317.bin or nodemcu_int_dev_json_20150317.bin
but now I am getting this error and then a reboot-
Google IP:
Updating weather
{"coord":{"lon":-105.02,"lat":39.62},"sys":{"message":0.0405,"country":"United States of America","sunrise":1432467494,"sunset":1432520139},"weather":[{"id":500,"main":"Rain","description":"light rain","icon":"10d"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":8.84,"temp_min":8.84,"temp_max":8.84,"pressure":809.61,"sea_level":1020.74,"grnd_level":809.61,"humidity":100},"wind":{"speed":1.76,"deg":30.0006},"clouds":{"all":80},"rain":{"3h":0.17},"dt":1432487580,"id":5429032,"name":"Littleton","cod":200}
PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (?:0: attempt to call method 'drawXBM' (a nil value))
looks like something about drawXBM is not happy.
I have put all of your files into the ESP here's the list-
init.lua 525 bytes
02d.MONO 480 bytes
clouds.xbm 480 bytes
03d.MONO 480 bytes
LLbin.lua 639 bytes
50d.MONO 480 bytes
13d.MONO 480 bytes
weatherStation.lua 2645 bytes
11d.MONO 480 bytes
09d.MONO 480 bytes
10d.MONO 480 bytes
01d.MONO 480 bytes 2820 bytes
04d.MONO 480 bytes
I also tried your displayXBM.lua program and I get this error
displayXBM.lua:15: attempt to call method 'drawXBM' (a nil value)
It's good to see some progress