- Mon Sep 20, 2021 6:49 pm
Pablo2048 wrote:Do you have any efficiency and EMI measurements of your buck converter in whole range of loads? I didn't see any type of converter with efficiency > 70% overall in range of 100uA-500mA. They are way worse actually and produce large EMI. LDO in such case was better (at least according to my measurements...).
In my case I have never needed out to 500mA - the most I have ever seen is 210mA briefly on start up and have managed to tame this with a large capacitor (this also tames any ripple). By far the biggest issue I have found with LDOs is that they are terrible when the battery voltage is much higher than the supplied voltage - in this case they pull the full current required by your circuit at the full voltage drop across the battery and chew power like crazy until the voltage gets close to the circuit plus drop out.
I built some modules for testing using dry cells and loaded them up with 3 x D cell batteries in series. Those with a 3.3V LDO were dead in a week, whereas the buck converter lasted months. You could feel the heat coming from the LDO as all that power wasted into the environment.
For the tests above I actually used a buck/boost converter - the ISL9110, outputting at 3.3V. This converter has efficiency > 90% for the whole range of interest. It was the performance of the boost side at low battery voltage that made me realise it wasn't worth using boost - batteries were on their way out by the time the boost kicked in and then the current draw to make up the 3.3V just killed them in hours.
Lowering the operating voltage right across the circuit and switching to a high efficiency buck converter has worked a treat for me, both with dry batteries and with solar