Jacob Major wrote:I did use the pictures you provided to realize I also needed to add guage.min.js so I grabbed that from the github you linked before. The gauge was a no show though. Probably becuase the following error.
" document.gauges.get("gauge-humid").value = v;" this line does produce an error
Cannot read property 'get' of undefined
A little web development understanding might help here. I think you mentioned your in CompSci, so I'm going to assume you understand Object Oriented Programming.
- document is the web page object.
- gauges is MykhaIloStadnyk's gauge array object. Can have multiple.
- get is a function on his object to find one of the possible gauges.
OK... I've set mine up to talk to the built-in AP like you have. Check that the gauge.min.js file is the same... 44763 bytes.
I recall the file is already on your computer in the InqPortal library examples.
Hmmm... I just looked close and think you're using Chromium on an Raspberry Pi. Cool! I've not done any testing on that combination. Your a Beta Tester now!
If you have the F12 debugger open, set to the Sources tab and refresh the page. If it successfully finds and downloads the file, it will be in the left column list. Clicking on the gauge.min.js file will show you the contents.
w/ GUI Admin Client, Drag & Drop File Manager, OTA Built-In, Access Point Manager,
Performance Metrics, Web Socket Comms, App API, All running on ESP8266...
Even usable on ESP-01S --- Please check it out!