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By cal
eriksl wrote:I2S has to implemented in software, there is no hardware support. I doubt it will keep up with 48 KHz/16 bits.


I know next to nothing about i2s itself but from the esp8266 datasheet i got the impression than in and
out have dedicated pins and they say that "linked list dma" is supported.

What do you base your statement on?

Just being curious and trying to get to the root ...

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By lethe
#18642 The GPIO MUX table does actually lists I2S pins: wiki/doku.php?id=esp8266_gpio_pin_allocations
Other than that an a few comments in examples/IoT_Demo/driver/spi.c (from IoT SDK), there does not appear to be any documentation on I2S.
You might have better luck asking on the official espressif forum...