A place users can post their projects. If you have a small project and would like your own dedicated place to post and have others chat about it then this is your spot.

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By Arthur Vasilyev
#27317 Guys, I need your help. There is a microcircuit with ESP8266, when it gets "200" value the light turns on and microcircuit send a "100" value. I need to write an Android app which will send a byte value to it and will get an answer. I already connected to this WI-Fi module. Programming lang is Java.
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By Michaelo
#28587 @Arthur, I too am looking for Android or IOS app... not sure my PC or my brain could deal with yet another development environment... You can of course build a simple ESP8266 server and communicate with it by sending simple strings from your phone using the browser but it would be nice to have an apps for that! ;)