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By andrei7c4
#50457 I would like to share my ESP8266 based project with you. This is a simple weather display built with 7.4" E-Ink screen. There are many similar projects but none of them seem to be designed to be powered from the battery. I have estimated that with 30 minute update interval 3000 mAh LiPo battery on my device should last for a few months on one charge. Please check out the source code, schematics and instructions on my GitHub page: https://github.com/andrei7c4/weatherdisplay

In this video the device is in demo mode, displaying weather and forecast for various locations around the world.
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By andrei7c4
Spafin wrote:Really great!! Where did you find the E-ink screen? All I have seen are surprisingly expensive.

I purchased the display from DigiKey. It is pretty expensive, but it is a complete kit with the control board so you can connect it directly to ESP8266 SPI pins. You can find cheaper displays on eBay or AliExpress but for those you need to build your own control board and find out how to actually control the panel.
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By schufti
#51033 outch, it is not really a bargain. The display he referenced on his github was a hefty US$ 122.50 at digispark...
for that money I'd hack a cheap ebook (most based on linux) for the same task and get the advantage of a nice case, LiIon battery, buttons etc.